The Dos and Don’ts: How to Have Younger Skin

Washing your face with cold water does more than just jolt you awake. A good cleanse helps to slough away dead skin cells that cling onto your face and make you look dull. We recommend using a glycolic acid wash in the morning and before bed to keep a clear skin. Wash with an exfoliating scrub once or twice a week for a deeper clean that also encourages the growth of new skin cells. Just be careful not to overdo it. If your skin becomes red or irritated, that is when you stop. Read these men's skincare tips to have younger skin.
The Do’s
Remember to use a moisturizer
After cleansing, the lotion should be the next step to avoid dry skin. We recommend applying moisturizer when the skin is still slightly damp to help seal in moisture. Oil-based face lotions work well for guys with normal skin, and they're essential for dry or flaky skin, particularly in the winter. Look for a water-based product if you have oily skin or are prone to breakouts. You can also use organic skincare products for moisturizing your skin.
Hydration is important
According to experts, who recommend drinking six to eight glasses of water per day, the lotion is only half of the hydration equation—skin also requires moisture from the inside out. Keep track of how much alcohol and caffeine you consume as well. Both can dehydrate you, but combining coffee or alcohol with food and water can help counteract the effects.
Keep an eye on wrinkles
Even if you're still getting ID'ed at the bar, starting to use a retinol cream in your teens will help prevent fine lines and wrinkles later on. Retinol also increases the tone of even non-wrinkled skin by stimulating cell growth and collagen production. Use it at night because the wrinkle-fighting ingredient makes the skin more sun-sensitive. We recommend you choose a product that includes retinol and moisturizer to simplify your routine.
Getting adequate sleep
Your cells will have plenty of time to repair the day's wear and tear if you get the recommended seven to eight hours of sleep. This involves preventing wrinkles, fine lines, and breakouts on the skin. Also, don't try to make up for a week's worth of sleep deprivation on a Sunday morning—the body requires consistent sleep to look its best.
The Don’ts
Avoid excessive sugar
Treat yourself once in a while, but don't make venti caramel lattes a habit. Inflammation is caused by high-sugar diets, which can lead to breakouts. Cookies, cake, donuts, and soft drinks are apparent offenders; however, don't overlook the grams of sugar in foods that appear to be healthy or savory, such as flavored yogurt, cereal, jarred sauces, and protein bars.
Avoid direct sunlight
Nothing, ages your skin more than the sun. By slowing collagen production and cell growth, damaging rays hasten the aging process and cause the skin to lose elasticity. A good sunscreen is your best defense. Look for a broad-spectrum moisturizer with an SPF of 15 or higher that blocks all UVA and UVB rays.
Quit smoking
Smoking is bad for men’s health. To the list of reasons not to light up, add yellowed skin. You cannot get rid of it just by using a facial cleanser. Smoking reduces circulation and collagen production, causing the skin to lose its natural color and appear sallow and pale. This is not what a woman wants to see when she wakes up next to you. Furthermore, smoking can cause fine lines around the lips and other early signs of aging.